Good Feelings

We, the Whites of heart, must analyze each game. Today, against a serious opponent that aspires all, we learned through the first difficult moment of the match. Indeed, in a rapid action Barcelona made the first goal that created a difficult situation within minutes of starting the match. We were at the level of the big teams, we analyzed the situation, fully believed in our sports power. The midfield worked, the defense worked and the forward finished. We imposed our style, our sacrifice and function as the champion team Real Madrid wants to be. We were serious, hardworking, intelligent, disciplined and we beat a team that controls, sleeps the ball, and plays. The Real Madrid overcame with sacrifice this situation and turned to impose its style. The team played well, worked well and much better defined. In this spirit and with this system we want and we can get the biggest hits this season.

We must encourage, sometimes have patience and always cheering so as to help the team make a sensational season. As always the Madrid should be aspiring to triumph and get titles at all levels.

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